Tuire Kaimio


I am candidate in European parliament elections in June 2024

Who am I?

I am Tuire Kaimio, an animal and film business entrepreneur living in Vantaa, non-fiction author and county and city councilor. My main profession is training animals for movies. In addition, I work with animal and human welfare projects and as a teacher.

For me, the preservation of life on Earth is a value I will not compromise on. Deforestation and climate change must be stopped if we want to survive as humanity. I have an equally uncompromising attitude towards justice, equality and, above all, fairness between people. To me, fairness also means that when, for example, environmental measures are taken, the consequences must not be unreasonable for individual people.

Well-being for nature and for animals means well-being for everyone. Since animals cannot vote, I want to be their representative as well. We must have a better balance between the rights of animals and the rights of people to profit from animals.

Science and education are a bedrock. My current job relies on science and research. Likewise, I believe in basing my political decisions on scientific facts whenever possible. I demand the same of my fellow politicians.

A functioning society provides safety and justice for all. I will defend the rule of law in the EU. Finland must bravely lead the EU on a path that leads to safety and security for every European.

My election compass responses

Many web sites provide election compass applications that are a great way to search for candidates and compare their thinking on various topics that are relevant for work in EU parliament. Below you can find my answers in the services. The service from Finnish Broadcasting Company is available in English, most of the others are unfortunartely only in Finnish.

Finnish Boardcasting Company
In English - suomeksi - på svenska

Helsingin sanomat (only in Finnish)

Ilta-Sanomat (only in Finnish)

Iltalehti (only in Finnish)

MTV3 (only in Finnish)

Keskisuomalainen (only in Finnish)

Allianssin nuorisovaalikone (only in Finnish)

© Tuire Kaimio 

© Minna Tallberg